Totul despre caini

Aici vei gasi totul despre cum sa-ti cresti cainele, cum sa-l educi,

cu ce sa-l hranesti, si cum sa-l feresti de diferite boli caracteristice

Here you'll find everything about how to raise your dog, how to feed it and how to train your dog


La baza sanatatii, longevitatii si formei fizice bune a cainelui este alimentatia echilibrata si de calitate. Tipul de alimentatie trebuie sa corespunda nevoilor individuale a organismului si sa difere in functie de etapa ciclului de viata - perioada de crestere, caine adult, perioada de imbatranire - si particularitatile starii fiziologice (lipsa activitatii fizice, incarcare ridicata, sarcina, etc.).
Ce fel de alimentatie e preferabila?

         Incepem cu una din problemele la care nu au ajuns inca la o intelegere veterinarii, crescatorii si posesorii de caini - ce-i mai bine? hrana uscata (industriala) sau hrana "naturala"? La aceasta intrebare nu se poate raspunde, de aceea in acest articol vor fi analizate particularitatile alimentatiei atat cu hrana uscata, cat si hrana naturala.  
Poti avea un caine sanatos numai daca alimentatia lui este sanatoasa. Probabil ca de multe ori ti s-a intamplat sa nu te induri ca "puiutul" tau sa nu primeasca o ciocolata sau alte delicatese. Dar nu trebuie sa faci acest lucru.
        In randurile care urmeaza,, iti voi spune cum trebuie sa-ti hranesti cainele,in functie de talia lui.

In primul rand, trebuie sa fii foarte atent/a atunci cand cumperi hrana pentru cainele tau. Trebuie citit foarte atent prospectul, care te indruma si iti spune pentru ce greutate si ce varsta este indicata.

Hrana industriala este un pas inainte in alimentatia sanatoasa a cainilor dar si un ajutor pentru stapanii acestora. Tine cont de faptul ca mancarea uscata trebuie combinata cu aceea gatita.
Cand sunt foarte mici, pana la 3-4 luni, puiutii de caine trebuie sa manance de cate cinci ori pe zi. Adultii trebuie sa manance odata, maxim de doua ori pe zi.Cantitatea la cainii adulti depinde de rasa si de greutate.

Cainii trebuie sa se hraneasca si cu mancare uscata dar si cu mancare gatita (carne de pui sau vita, cu morcovi, orez, telina sau ceapa).Nu au voie: cartofi, varza, mazare, mezeluri, paine, mancaruri grase,cele gatite cu sos, dulciurile.
In cazul unei alimentatii incorecte, cainii pot contacta eczeme,gastro-enterite, afectiuni ale ficatului, alergii.

Regimul alimentar al cainilor de talie mare (ciobanesc german, caucazianetc.) trebuie sa contina, pe langa mancare, si calciu sau vitamine (care previn, printre altele, caderea blanei, si mentin luciul acesteia).

On the basis of health, longevity and physical form of dog is good quality balanced diet.Food type must match the individual needs of the body and vary depending on life cycle stage-growth period, adult dog, during aging and physiological peculiarities of state (physical inactivity, high load, load, etc.)..We begin with one of the problems which have not yet come to an understanding veterinarians, breeders and dog owners-whats better? dry food (industrial) or natural feed? This question does not have a single good answer, so this article will be reviewed both with dry food  features, and natural foods features. You can have a healthy dog only if his diet is also healthy. Probably  often happened to you to not endure that your little "puppies "  do not get a chocolate or other delicacies. But you should not do this.
     The lines that follow,, I will tell you how to feed your dog, depending on it's size.
First, you must be very careful  when you buy food for your dog. You should read the prospectus carefully, this will guide you and tell you what weight and what age is recommended. Industrial food is a healthy step in your dog diet but it also is a good help  for dog owners, as is help them. Keep in mind that dry foods must be combined with cooked food. ( for exemple, in the morning dry food. then a late lunch cook food, in the afternoon dry food). When they are very small, up to 3-4 months, dog puppy must eat up to five times a day. Adults need to eat once, maximum twice a day.Adults dog food quantity depends on the breed and weight. Dogs need to eat dry food but  cooked food  also ( chicken or beef with carrots, rice, celery and onions ).Dogs should not eat: potatoes, cabbage, peas, sausage, bread, greasy foods, the cooked food with sauce, sweets.
      In case of an incorrect diet, dogs can contact eczema, gastro enteritis, liver disease, allergies.

Dogs diet of large (German Shepherd, caucazianetc.) Must contain, besides food, calcium and vitamins (which prevents, among others, fall fur and keep its luster).