Totul despre caini

Aici vei gasi totul despre cum sa-ti cresti cainele, cum sa-l educi,

cu ce sa-l hranesti, si cum sa-l feresti de diferite boli caracteristice

Here you'll find everything about how to raise your dog, how to feed it and how to train your dog

CAINELE.... / The Dog !!!

   Din cele mai vechi timpuri cainele a fost mereu alaturi de om,in acest sens existand numeroase exemple- in schimbul unui pic de mancare si al unei mangaieri, rareori oferita, cainii au pazit locuintele oamenilor si turmele acestora, au tras sänii si carucioare, au luptat cu soldatii, au facut de paza in cetati, au salvat vieti in munti si in ape, au gasit ratacitii si ranitii, au starnit si au urmarit vanatul, si au pus incomparabilele calitati in slujba noastra si ne-au daruit devotamentul lor, pana la sacrificiu. De peste douazeci de mii de ani ei ne iubesc statornic si ne slujesc cu credinta -, dar niciodata nu stam sa ne gandim de unde isi are originiile acest "prieten al nostru".
   Pentru ca mereu m-a interesat despre acest prieten al meu credincios,fidel si mereu alaturi,am inceput sa citesc,sa caut,si sa descopar cat mai multe despre acest animal care de cele mai multe ori constat ca este mai aproape si chiar mai credincios decat un om.
   Cainele este urmasul unul animal foarte mic numit Miacis, catarator in copaci care a trait acum aproximativ 40 milioane de ani. Asa cum ii vedem in vremurile noastre,cainele a aparut prima oara in Eurasia,acum aproape 13.000 de ani, si cel mai probabil sunt urmasii unui lup de talie mica.
   Domesticirea cainilor a inceput cu mult timp in urma, aproximativ acum 14.000 de ani; exista posibilitatea ca domesticirea lor sa fi inceput cu mult inainte de fapt, conform descoperirilor arheologice, in apropierea locuintelor au fost gasite fosile de caini-lupi vechi de 400.000 de ani. Inca de la inceput cainii au fost folositi ca si companioni, pe langa rolul lor de a ajuta oamenii la vanatoare.
  Conform Enciclopediei Wikipedia, cainele este este un mamifer carnivor din familia canidelor. Fiind domesticit de cel puţin 14.000 de ani, sau chiar de 150.000 de ani conform dovezilor mai recente, câinele este printre cele mai populare animale de companie ai oamenilor. Există sute de rase de câini care, deşi fac parte din aceeaşi subspecie, Canis lupus familiaris, variază semnificativ ca aspect. 

From ancient times the dog has always been there next to the  man, there are many proofs to atest this.In exchange for a little food and a caressing, rarely offered, dogs have guarded the man house, have drawn sleighs and carriages, fought along the soldiers, have guarded fortress, have saved lives in the mountains and waters, found the lost and wounded people, have raised and watched the  hunting, and put their incomparable qualities, to us and  have give us their commitment, to the sacrifice. For over twenty thousand years they steadfast love us and serve us with faith, but we never  think where has its origin" our beloved friend".
Because i always was interested about this friend of my faithful,  and always together, I began to read and look, and discover more about this animal that most often found to be even closer and more faithful than a man.
The dog is Descendant of one little pet called Miacis, climber of trees that lived about 40 million years ago. As we see in our times, the dog first appeared in Eurasia, about 13,000 years, and most likely are descendants of a small wolf .Dog domestication began long ago, about 14,000 years ago, there is the possibility that their domestication to have started long before the fact, according to archaeological discoveries,  near the homes were found wolf dog fossils 400,000 years old.Since the beginning dogs were used as companions, besides their role in helping people to hunt. According to Wikipedia Encyclopedia, the dog is is a carnivorous mammal of the family "canidelor". Being domesticated at least 14,000 years, or even 150,000 years according to recent evidence, the dog is among the most popular of the  people pets.There are hundreds of breeds of dogs which, although part of the same subspecies, "Canis lupus familiaris" -vary significantly in appearance.