Totul despre caini

Aici vei gasi totul despre cum sa-ti cresti cainele, cum sa-l educi,

cu ce sa-l hranesti, si cum sa-l feresti de diferite boli caracteristice

Here you'll find everything about how to raise your dog, how to feed it and how to train your dog

marți, 6 aprilie 2010

Cum imi aleg un caine? / How can i choose a dog?

Daca doresti sa ai un caine, gandeste-te cat timp din viata ta ii poti dedica. Trebuie avute in vedere si cheltuielile legate de intretinerea animalului: hrana, deparazitare, vaccinari, anumite ustensile pentru toaleta cainelui, eventuale cheltuieli in caz de boala, tratamente curente etc. Nu uita nici concediile; unde va ramane cainele in cazul in care nu poti sa-l iei cu tine?

Daca, dupa toate acestea, iti mai doresti un caine, ia legatura cu diversi crescatori de caini. Asociatiile chinologice iti pot oferi adresa mai multor crescatori avizati. O crescatorie trebuie sa fie curata, aerisita si sa nu fie expusa curentului. Cainii care se afla aici trebuie sa fie sanatosi si bine hraniti. In nici un caz nu iti cumpara un caine din targurile de animale! Vei putea avea surpriza sa dai peste un animal bolnav, prost hranit si cu dereglari de comportament, arborele genealogic al acestor caini fiind aproape intotdeauna eronat. Te sfatuim sa nu iti procuri un caine de la un crescator care nu face parte din nici o asociatie chinologica. Daca nu te-ai decis inca asupra unei rase, gandeste-te la ce fel de caine ti s-ar potrivi. Doresti un caine de vanatoare, un caine de paza sau unul de companie? Iti pot oferi cateva sugestii in legatura cu cel mai des intalnite rase

If you own a dog, think of your life while you can commit them. Should be considered and maintenance costs of the animal: feeding, pest, vaccinations, certain dog toilet utensils, any expenses in case of illness, current treatments, etc.Do not forget the hollydays, where it will remain the dog if you can not take it with you? If, however, you still want a dog, contact various breeders of dogs.A farm dog must be clean, airy and not be exposed to current.Dogs who are here should be healthy and well fed. Don't buy a dog from animal markets! You may be surprised to come across a sick animal, poorly fed and behavioral disorders, these dogs tree is almost always wrong. We advise you to not buy a dog from a breeder who is not part of any Kennel Club. If you have not yet decided on a breed, think about what kind of dog would suit you have. Want a hunting dog, a guard dog or a pet? I can offer some suggestions about the most common breeds. Have a very nice day : )

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